Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Can you speak the language?

Part of feeling connected to a family, school, part of the country, etc. is the language we use. Our family (both my extended family, as well as Michelle, Bailey, and I) has all kinds of sayings for all kinds of situations. Once a year there is a day where I can use one particular saying.

"Did you know that today is the only day of the year that gives a command?"
March 4th!

My dad said it for years and now I say it. What sayings does your family have? I have a bunch of our family's sayings listed on my info page on Facebook. There are tons more I plan to add to facebook, but I can't remember them all when I sit down to type them. Although when certain situations come up, I just come out with them, like my brain is hard wired. It is one of the joys of following a legacy from those who have gone before. That I can pass down stories and sayings from my parents and grandparents.

I would love to hear some of your family sayings. Leave a comment on this blog, on facebook, or send an email to

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